We are humbled by the amazing generosity of our many donors and supporters, without whose financial contribution Boleh’s charitable work could not be delivered.  So it is a pleasure to report that, during this year’s recently completed sailing Season, Boleh was able to say a personal thank you.  Hosted by the Boleh Trust’s Patron, Chairman and volunteers Richard and Simon, Boleh entertained some of our close supporters to a Summer day on the Solent.

Picture shows the Royal Navy and Royal Marines Charity’s Director of Fundraising, Dawn Ingram (right), displaying  the charity’s banner.  Dawn summed up her Boleh experience:  “The boat is magnificent and I can see the benefits Boleh provides to our beneficiary groups, giving them a ‘can do’ attitude and the confidence boost they may need.”  The RN&RMC are one of our most steadfast supporters with a recent generous grant for next year’s  programme sailing local Service schoolchildren.  Thank you again RN&RMC.